Friday, March 30, 2012

February 2012 Glyph Sales

  • Total Glyph Sales: 59,597g
  • Total Glyphs Sold: 1209
  • Average Price: 49g29s
At an almost identical average price, sales plumetted in February. True to my new glyph production line, I only sat down to create glyphs twice in February and was a little slack with posting.

My major issue of late, is finding reasonably priced herbs. I'm not sure if it's a ban wave for the bots, but herbs have been very scarce. I've only just recently broken the drought with a supplier in trade able to supply me with a couple of hundred stack of Whiptail CoD. I love the CoD system, since I don't have to stand there repeatedly trading six stacks at a time, and figuring out how much gold to put in the little box. Inevitably running out of bag space, taking a little break to mass mail the herbs to an alt (which I then have to return for milling) is a giant pain as well. I get that having your herbs returned over 48 hours later with no coin to show for it is a risk, but bulk buyers LOVE CoD.

I have recommitted myself to the Darkmoon Card market, since I am sneaking up on 1 million gold in sales since the start of the expansion. I'm not sure if I'll actually get there, since even raid finder now has superior trinkets in comparison to both Volcano and Tsunami... but it still remains a profitable biproduct for alts looking for BoE gear to accelerate their ability to join in the fun. I'm looking forward to sharing some graphs and a look back over the market for cataclysm soon.

Finally, I was so pleased that I got some comments from my mostly rhetorical question about the Vial, so I quickly got the materials together and send my wife a little present in the mail! Then it was her turn to take me for a joy ride!

Jondy flying through the skies of Stormwind; Borgthor enjoying the ride.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I finally sold one!

When I started approaching the 1m gold mark, my wife started up again in ernest, with Archeology. She had been working towards discovering the recipe for the [Vial of the Sands] for months, in fact ALL THE MONTHS shortly after cataclysm was released. With each empty [Canopic Jar] was another little heartbreak, and with each request for my steady supply of [Tol'vir Heiroglyph]s it was harder to sing the praises of the dreaded random number generator

However, almost immediately following my 1m gold milestone, Jondayla opened a canopic jar and the recipe burst fourth! I blew the dust off my cache of materials, and we headed to Uldum, each on our seperate mounts to purchase the [Sands of Time] and [Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial] required from Yasmin.

Finally, as pictured above, we went for a joy ride through Uldum together. Oh happy days.

I calculated the cost for my drake at around 32k gold, which includes the guild perk, Bartering. I quickly rounded up the materials for a second vial, this time, for sale. I've never enjoyed having coin tied up in expensive investments and so with a little justification, I was able to make peace with the process. The best time to try and sell an expensive item, is when you don't care at all if it actually sells. If you haven't achieved this level of Zen mastery, there's ways to work around it. My wife deserves a drake!

Jondayla had been slaving away month after month. Acheology maxed, alchemy maxed. Up and down Kalimdor, clearing pesky Night Elf sites just to have a shot at something beloning to the Tol'vir. When I drained my portfolio of 32k and drank from the vial, I got a delightful and shiny achievement. What did Jondy get? Nothing. Well, of course, not nothing. If I recall correctly, she beamed with pride and was aglow with the joy and satisfaction that comes from helping your beloved spouse. I had always wanted her to make a second vial for herself and that was the zero risk way of having one for sale without any stress or frustraton.

Only just now have I relaised just how long it had taken to sell the mount. A full two months of posting, on and off has finally rewarded me with a sale. The prices were very varied just depending on both competition and how I felt at the time. At most I'd have 3 other vials competing with mine on the auction house, and the price got as low as cost + 5%. Finally, my sale was 38k which resulted in a net of 36.1k gold. In calculating how much I lost in deposit fees, I was pleasantly surprised. Assuming posting it slightly more than once per day, it only cost me around 200g. It really does put my issues with deposit fees into perspective, particularly in comparison to the AH cut of 1900g. The few times I advertised in trade, to the usual trollling thought... the AH cut is priceless.

I'm organising the materials for the next vial. Should I give it to Jondayla straight away? Or try for a much much quicker sale?