Monday, May 26, 2014

Transitioning Glyphs: Pie Chart

April was the month that my realm got connected. I experienced the gnome starting zone four times, and worked through the logistics of setting up glyphs across three brand new alts, and moving my core consumables to a dedicated auction house character.

It was Twitchie's last big hurrah, taking the largest slice of over 100k in glyph sales. Milarepa took up drinking, because while she is level 90... her responsibilities have been reduced to living steel transmute, scroll of wisdom, /logout. She doesn't even get to indulge her one time passtime of Unleash Elements, Healing Rain, /win. Just. Another. Cog. In. Twitchie's. Enterprise. Dull. In more positive news, the three Warlock brothers: Serviteur, Favori and Laquais jumped into action, and promised their Overlord the best glyph month EVER for May 2014. Meanwhile, over on a disconnected server, far... far away, Pigmalion (who dispite lack of playtime has his own theme song jingle) and Seonadh enjoyed their two bit operation not even being able to prepare all of the Northrend Inscription Research glyphs.

Having had a sneak peek at the data to date, I'm looking forward to checking back in at the end of May to report a bumper glyph month, and pie chart validates my glyph performance data.

Monday, May 12, 2014

4M Gold Milestone

Today marks a new milestone for Twitchie Enterprises: 4 million gold.

What I am most excited about isn't the milestone itself, but the graph. It marks the end of recording my liquid gold level in a spreadsheet, and moving it to directly recording it in the Twitchie Enterprises Command Centre (my ruby on rails application dubbed lovingly by my wife as 'Twitchie's Knickers' (being able to peruse the details of every sale I've ever made is a little revealing)).

The last few mornings I've been very excited to wake up and drain my mailboxes of their gold so I can record new totals. It handles the connected realm very nicely, gives me a running list of gold movements over the last fortnight, and most importantly the graph is front and center.

I've fallen a little behind in frivolous gold spent, which is sitting at around 3.5M since I first hit the 1M mark. I plan to give that graph the same treatment, but would like to make sure I categorise my spending carefully. For example, this time last expansion (in that enormous void between expansions) I was spending a huge amount of gold on BoEs for alts as they hit 85 and geared up for some raiding. In mists, with the relative ease of 'free' catch up gear, limited craftables and raiding trash drops being BoP (I severely dislike this on many levels) I have coin overflowing from overburdened coffers and no gear to spend it on.

The graphs don't stop here, I've already got my transition month glyph seller pie chart ready to go, and will release an interactive set of charts for my Ironpaw shuffle markets when I hit my major milestone there!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

For the Record: April 2014 Glyph Sales

Almost a full month being connected to another server, and glyph sales are booming! Most importantly, the number of sales is up by around 50% and I broke that magical 100k revenue mark.

  • Total Glyph Sales: 105088g
  • Total Glyphs Sold: 1518
  • Average Price: 69g23s
Connected realms hasn't been without hiccups. Our server lost the use of the mobile app and we all disappeared from the Armory. Our heroic lockout got deleted part way through the week along with the option to extend, so our progression got nuked in the process.

However, sales feel like they have been very good and I've really enjoyed the process of shunting items to our other half for storage and posting. I've managed to hack TSM2 so that it recognises our connection, but right now I'm still having a little bit of a problem with crafting.

In other news, Twitchie got his legendary cape, and then proceeded to do no raiding whatsoever.

For the first time I've embedded the graph directly in the post! I will need to post my pie chart describing the transitional breakdown of glyph sales by seller as a separate post while I figure out how to jam different graphs on a single page.