Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Glyph of Brick Shithouse

Warlords of Draenor is almost upon us, and as you can tell... I've been busy with other things, both in game and out. So many posts are left part written, and development on my ruby on rails application has all but dried up. With any luck, I'll get back to posting about milestones, both earning and spending, and the joys of Mists of Pandaria gold making... but for now, I'll share my excitement for a tiny new feature in Warlords.

No... it's not the Glyph of Brick Shithouse I'd been requesting for a long, long time. It's a gift from Blingtron 5000. The Neural Silencer.

When I read the beta patch notes that included this delightful gem of an item, I almost jumped for joy. I'm ecstatic about so many of the changes for Warlords, many I'm already enjoying. I have empty mailboxes for the first time in years! Even rolling new bank alts on a connected realm didn't solve this problem like the increase to 200 stack size and reagent tab did. However, of all the tiny changes, this one stands out as my favourite... and maybe because I think my tweets might have had something to do with it...

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

For the Record: June 2014 Glyph Sales

Back down to a sensible total as I carried out an experiment aimed at documenting the decaying nature of glyph sales over time.

  • Total Glyph Sales: 69389g
  • Total Glyphs Sold: 984
  • Average Price: 70g52s
After having a extremely profitable month in May, I decided to address the concern of many in and around the glyph market. The idea that you have to camp the auction house to make coin from glyphs.

Now, I'm sorry to interrupt the flow of the post, but I have to get in my disclaimer for the trolls. My analysis is of my data from my server. Why? Because that's the only sales data I have access to. Anyone that says otherwise is guessing. I felt so sorry for The Undermine Journal, when despite well written and articulate disclaimers, they had to hide away their best guesses at sales data behind a logged in user's options... because apparently people can't read, let alone comprehend. I have my data, on my server and I have confidence that it is accurate. If you have issue with my numbers, could I suggest that I'm possibly the last blogger you want to take that up with? Also, if you want to use 'that could never happen on my server' as your excuse for mediocre gold making, be my guest, but leave me out of it. I'm guessing you also tell all your friends that, 'Hearthstone is about nothing but luck, and is totally pay to win, dude'. To each their own. (Please note, it is entirely possible that my results may absolutely not be replicable on your server (but it takes more than anecdotes and whining to prove it))

The graph above marks the first month of a two month project to observe completely different posting habits. Instead of posting once (maybe twice) per day, I would post a maximum of once every 48 hours. The idea is to allow the glyphs posted to have a full 48 hours to be sold without undercutting myself or my competition. That way I can see the number of glyphs sold drop off over the maximum auction duration. In order to see just how many glyphs I could sell in any 48 hour period, I changed the number posted from 2 to 8 of each glyph. The upside of posting more glyphs is that if a couple are bought in the first hour, I'm not forfeiting the chance to sell another at the 7th hour, and then again at the 38th hour depending on demand and the servers posting habits. The downside is each time you post it's potentially 1000+/- glyphs to post... and then collect from the mail 48 hours later. The sacrifices we make for data.

The 48 hour restriction is also problematic in that I can't post at the same time of day every two days. If I miss the opportunity to post again over my morning coffee, I might not post again until the afternoon, or even the next day. There's a time gap, anywhere from minutes to a day where my glyphs aren't on the auction house. The lost sales aren't a big deal, but waiting until glyphs expired before I could post more was a little painful.

Next up will be my graph that shows the distribution of glyphs sales over a 48 hour window. I was pleasantly pleased with the results, but then, maybe my server is just a little special. ;)

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Glyph Divide: Pie Chart

The month of May was huge for glyph sales, but it was also my first full month with the new glyph set up on connected realms. Posting glyphs on three different characters that have their entire inventory devoted to glyphs is a joy! I can AFK and collect mail at my leisure, and Twitchie just doesn't know what to do with himself. He can keep herbs in his bags, awaiting the schmunch without messing about with the posting schedule. He can devote more time to directing the enterprise, rather than being a slave to it. He even got out and cleared Siege on normal to celebrate the new cloak. Suck on that, lowly shadow priest alt. Twitchie is number one.

It being both the end of the month, and the end of our financial year... I rush to reflect on how the system of dividing glyph posting duties based on performance has worked, by first directing your eyes to the pie chart above. Serviteur sells the good stuff and it shows. One of the reasons I divided glyphs up by performance is to take advantage of the diminishing returns on posting poor performing glyphs. If I was short on time, I could just post on one or two of my minions and get the best bang for my buck (time is money, friend). Since it was my first full month with the new set up, I thought I was pretty consistent... but it pays to check.

SellerGlyphs Posted# of PostsAverage
Serviteur9897 48 206.19
Favori10719 46 233.02
Laquais9572 43 222.60

From the table, it's clear that on an even posting schedule, Serviteur posts the least number of glyphs. By the time I gave him a few extra posts over the course of the month it turned out to be relatively even and he brought in the bulk of revenue.

The other important observation from the table is the frequency of my posting schedule. I would consider May a very heavy month for me, and yet I'm posting less than twice per day. Pretty much any time I post findings on my glyph market, I hear the grumbles, 'not on my server'. Without extensive research on other realms, I grant you it is hard to tell if I'm fortunate or awesome. It's Twitchie we're talking about here... it's probably both.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

For the Record: May 2014 Glyph Sales

228k gold in glyph sales! A new record for the enterprise, selling almost double the number of glyphs than last month.

  • Total Glyph Sales: 228997g
  • Total Glyphs Sold: 2935
  • Average Price: 78g02s
May was a huge month! I could barely keep up with restocking glyphs (by which I mean I didn't (making 1708 glyphs during the month). Herb prices have been rising, and I'm back up to happily paying 1g per herb.

Now that I've made a stupendous amount of gold selling glyphs, rather than try and top that in June, I decided on a new experiment. I've dabbled in analysing the relationship between when glyphs are posted and when they are sold, but there are some severe limitations just due to a sensible and efficient posting schedule. Posting once or twice per day, two of each profitable glyph leads to the following problems. Firstly, posting two of each glyph means I can sell out within minutes. It doesn't allow for recording the third, fourth and fifth sale before I'm undercut to oblivion. Posting for 48 hours, and reposting again inside that window doesn't allow me to see just how few glyphs are sold at the 46th hour mark.

So my experiment for June will be conducted as follows. Post eight of each glyph for 48 hours, and only reposting after they have all expired. Yes, I'll make a LOT less gold... but I will be able to produce a pretty sexy graph depicting just how quickly glyph sales drop off after posting.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Transitioning Glyphs: Pie Chart

April was the month that my realm got connected. I experienced the gnome starting zone four times, and worked through the logistics of setting up glyphs across three brand new alts, and moving my core consumables to a dedicated auction house character.

It was Twitchie's last big hurrah, taking the largest slice of over 100k in glyph sales. Milarepa took up drinking, because while she is level 90... her responsibilities have been reduced to living steel transmute, scroll of wisdom, /logout. She doesn't even get to indulge her one time passtime of Unleash Elements, Healing Rain, /win. Just. Another. Cog. In. Twitchie's. Enterprise. Dull. In more positive news, the three Warlock brothers: Serviteur, Favori and Laquais jumped into action, and promised their Overlord the best glyph month EVER for May 2014. Meanwhile, over on a disconnected server, far... far away, Pigmalion (who dispite lack of playtime has his own theme song jingle) and Seonadh enjoyed their two bit operation not even being able to prepare all of the Northrend Inscription Research glyphs.

Having had a sneak peek at the data to date, I'm looking forward to checking back in at the end of May to report a bumper glyph month, and pie chart validates my glyph performance data.

Monday, May 12, 2014

4M Gold Milestone

Today marks a new milestone for Twitchie Enterprises: 4 million gold.

What I am most excited about isn't the milestone itself, but the graph. It marks the end of recording my liquid gold level in a spreadsheet, and moving it to directly recording it in the Twitchie Enterprises Command Centre (my ruby on rails application dubbed lovingly by my wife as 'Twitchie's Knickers' (being able to peruse the details of every sale I've ever made is a little revealing)).

The last few mornings I've been very excited to wake up and drain my mailboxes of their gold so I can record new totals. It handles the connected realm very nicely, gives me a running list of gold movements over the last fortnight, and most importantly the graph is front and center.

I've fallen a little behind in frivolous gold spent, which is sitting at around 3.5M since I first hit the 1M mark. I plan to give that graph the same treatment, but would like to make sure I categorise my spending carefully. For example, this time last expansion (in that enormous void between expansions) I was spending a huge amount of gold on BoEs for alts as they hit 85 and geared up for some raiding. In mists, with the relative ease of 'free' catch up gear, limited craftables and raiding trash drops being BoP (I severely dislike this on many levels) I have coin overflowing from overburdened coffers and no gear to spend it on.

The graphs don't stop here, I've already got my transition month glyph seller pie chart ready to go, and will release an interactive set of charts for my Ironpaw shuffle markets when I hit my major milestone there!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

For the Record: April 2014 Glyph Sales

Almost a full month being connected to another server, and glyph sales are booming! Most importantly, the number of sales is up by around 50% and I broke that magical 100k revenue mark.

  • Total Glyph Sales: 105088g
  • Total Glyphs Sold: 1518
  • Average Price: 69g23s
Connected realms hasn't been without hiccups. Our server lost the use of the mobile app and we all disappeared from the Armory. Our heroic lockout got deleted part way through the week along with the option to extend, so our progression got nuked in the process.

However, sales feel like they have been very good and I've really enjoyed the process of shunting items to our other half for storage and posting. I've managed to hack TSM2 so that it recognises our connection, but right now I'm still having a little bit of a problem with crafting.

In other news, Twitchie got his legendary cape, and then proceeded to do no raiding whatsoever.

For the first time I've embedded the graph directly in the post! I will need to post my pie chart describing the transitional breakdown of glyph sales by seller as a separate post while I figure out how to jam different graphs on a single page.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Glyph Performance and TSM2 Groups

Earlier this month, my realm was connected! Aside from the excitement about a higher volume auction house and new competition, what this meant for me was bag space. No longer restricted to 11 characters, most of whom like to get out and about on occassion. I had an opportunity to create some purely Auction House alts, and spread out my inventory a little. There will be plenty more on my connected realm adventure, but for now I want to concentrate specifically on spreading my glyphs.

Over the course of the month, I created a small army of gnome warlocks on the other half of my connected realm. I set one up as a consumables seller which allowed me to instantly consolidate gems, enchants and PvP gear more efficiently across my regular characters. The other three I created for the sole purpose of selling glyphs.

Twitchie rejoiced. All that bag space.

In the midst of rounding up [Pristine Hide]s and [Inferno Ink], it struck me, "How do I divide up the glyphs amongst my new minions?" I really wanted to organise them by performance, so that the glyphs that make me the most gold are in the same place. If I wanted to cut my posting time by about a third on any given day, I could get the most profit for my time, and ignore posting on the other two characters.

I came up with a metric we'll call Gold per Lunar Cycle. It is the amount of revenue a specific glyph generates on average per 28 days. I was going to go for a week, but the numbers just looked a little light. I use the date the glyph was first sold as the starting point, so that the comparison can be made between glyphs that have been around forever and newer glyphs. Since I don't actually know (*shock* *horror*) all the 5.4 glyphs, I've allocated them to my premium seller and excluded them from the results. It did look pretty funny when one of the 5.4 glyphs came out on top for performance with only one sale, right at the end of the month. My last caveat is that the data doesn't take into account the change in popularity of a glyph when it gets changed over time. Blizzard have been pretty good at canibalising item ids to keep the number of glyphs more or less in check.

Lastly, I added a new chart to my arsenel to track how each set of glyphs compare against one another. At the top of the post, is a pie chart that shows the relative value of sales of all my characters that sell glyphs from March 2014. Twitchie, of course, easily posts the most glyphs and dominates the chart. Milarepa has the remainder of the pre 5.4 glyphs and Borgambrinus exclusively the post 5.4 glyphs. An honorable mention goes to Pigmalion and Seonadh who have a fledgling glyph operation on a completely different server. I think I might have posted only once or twice in March over there, with my DK not even level 75 and still plodding through Northrend inscription research. The chart will be very much in transition for April, and for May should see my three glyph minions going head to head.

TSM2 Groups below, batched by the name of the glyph minion selling them, followed by the table ranking performance. As always, if there's anything you'd like to see highlighted or an alternative view of the data, let me know.

Serviteur will post all 5.4 glyphs regardless of performance:
104046, 104049, 104050, 104051, 104052, 104056, 104101, 104102, 104104, 104107, 104109, 104120, 104124, 104126, 104128, 104129, 104130, 104131, 104135, 104136, 104276, 104047, 104048, 104053, 104055, 104099, 104103, 104105, 104106, 104108, 104122, 104123, 104127, 104133, 104134, 104137, 104138, 104270, 104121

42909, 42899, 45736, 42457, 68039, 45743, 77101, 40900, 87890, 85697, 41097, 45738, 45732, 85221, 45806, 45757, 45744, 44922, 45758, 45739, 45756, 87393, 71155, 42460, 40915, 42417, 45792, 42914, 45742, 43533, 43386, 42753, 43534, 45625, 90715, 41518, 80588, 42456, 43671, 63416, 43535, 45779, 45602, 41534, 43550, 43334, 42414, 42454, 45601, 45731, 45764, 79513, 43374, 42898, 68793, 45772, 83107, 45740, 42903, 43672, 43369, 43868, 67482, 43331, 80585, 43399, 45800, 45746, 45781, 40912, 45770, 43316, 42745, 41107, 42472, 43370, 79538, 86541, 45623, 85696, 43542, 87889, 42739, 43415, 43342, 45799, 43338, 89868, 45780, 87892, 42957, 43421, 87276, 40906, 43547, 42902, 69773, 43425, 41529, 43544, 41100

43351, 63539, 45789, 42915, 43867, 43365, 41105, 42967, 80584, 45737, 43431, 49084, 87882, 43359, 43869, 43366, 45753, 42404, 42464, 44684, 45766, 41098, 85685, 87896, 43398, 42406, 42455, 45735, 93202, 43674, 45745, 44955, 80586, 40902, 45790, 66918, 42969, 42749, 43332, 43548, 43400, 43378, 45769, 40908, 40923, 43364, 42751, 45761, 43368, 45767, 42900, 45603, 87894, 82345, 43372, 42409, 40909, 42407, 45794, 67487, 43385, 43412, 45741, 79515, 42754, 41524, 87887, 43380, 43551, 43371, 43539, 85700, 44923, 42904, 40919, 43379, 45771, 43388, 87902, 43367, 41110, 43389, 43394, 45778, 41531, 42901, 42752, 41552, 41537, 41092, 40921, 43416, 45775, 42402, 43355, 42743, 40899, 45733, 45755, 40914, 42908, 42408, 41101, 42736, 42400, 43827, 45782, 42954, 43344, 63481, 45783, 42459, 42907, 67484, 80587, 81956, 43395, 42911, 42910, 40916, 42396, 43335, 43419, 42748, 42462, 42465, 85699, 41104, 43340, 87900, 42398, 43356, 85683, 45747, 42738, 85692, 41096, 42401, 42968, 87279, 42897, 43397, 87884, 41103, 42403, 41517, 42405, 43423, 45777, 43537, 45768, 87392, 41527, 45804

42746, 87901, 41533, 43393, 45762, 83096, 42737, 50077, 45793, 43430, 43826, 87891, 42956, 43549, 67486, 43362, 87885, 44920, 67483, 50045, 85684, 42735, 42467, 43825, 42411, 42415, 43377, 42397, 43543, 43381, 42958, 45734, 45795, 42466, 43350, 45785, 43413, 42458, 42906, 45604, 40920, 42959, 42912, 42964, 85689, 42974, 42955, 43391, 87899, 87881, 48720, 41108, 40903, 43360, 41109, 42965, 87883, 42463, 43417, 85695, 40913, 41526, 43546, 42972, 41099, 43396, 43390, 87880, 45760, 43373, 42416, 42963, 42917, 41102, 42913, 43422, 87277, 43554, 87278, 64493, 43432, 87888, 41542, 63420, 40896, 79514, 43428, 42453, 40901, 67485, 80581, 42961, 43536, 87893, 43725, 42973, 41539, 43673, 45797, 43343, 87897, 87895, 42461, 41095, 42971, 43392, 41541, 84652, 45622, 43339, 42473, 42741, 41536, 43541, 43414, 41094, 40922, 40897, 85691, 85698, 42905, 85687, 42410, 41538, 44928, 41540, 40924, 42471, 41106, 42960, 43552, 42744, 41532, 43418, 45776, 42966, 43376, 43361, 42470, 43424, 87898, 42962, 42970, 43553, 41530, 41547, 41535, 42399, 42412, 43427

Glyph Earliest # sales Gold Av. Gold Active Days Sales / Lunar Av Gold / Lunar
[Glyph of Animal Bond] 2011-08-05 261 21022.71 80.55 970 7.54 607.15
[Glyph of Marked For Death] 2011-02-01 350 24463.60 69.90 1155 8.49 593.11
[Glyph of Water Elemental] 2011-02-06 319 23561.89 73.86 1150 7.77 573.61
[Glyph of Nightmares] 2011-02-15 363 23177.42 63.85 1141 8.91 568.86
[Glyph of the Treant] 2011-02-13 339 23133.75 68.24 1143 8.31 566.87
[Glyph of Divine Storm] 2011-02-02 311 23058.33 74.14 1154 7.55 559.65
[Glyph of Shadow] 2011-12-13 188 16581.67 88.20 840 6.27 552.75
[Glyph of the Stag] 2011-02-01 379 22503.99 59.38 1155 9.19 545.59
[Glyph of Zen Flight] 2012-09-26 151 10652.73 70.55 552 7.67 540.78
[Glyph of Spinning Crane Kick] 2012-09-27 172 10291.82 59.84 551 8.74 523.00
[Glyph of Templar's Verdict] 2011-02-16 296 21115.57 71.34 1140 7.27 518.65
[Glyph of Illusion] 2011-02-05 323 20983.79 64.97 1151 7.86 510.64
[Glyph of Aspect of the Cheetah] 2011-02-01 326 21052.91 64.58 1155 7.90 510.42
[Glyph of the Blazing Trail] 2012-10-02 155 9887.47 63.79 546 7.95 507.21
[Glyph of Tranquil Grip] 2011-02-05 280 20811.93 74.33 1151 6.81 506.45
[Glyph of Dark Binding] 2011-02-04 299 20319.72 67.96 1152 7.27 493.91
[Glyph of the Alabaster Shield] 2011-02-03 300 19760.78 65.87 1153 7.29 479.97
[Glyph of Stars] 2011-02-02 256 19287.52 75.34 1154 6.21 468.03
[Glyph of Mind Spike] 2011-02-07 263 19205.20 73.02 1149 6.41 468.00
[Glyph of Mirror Image] 2011-02-03 304 18968.55 62.40 1153 7.38 460.73
[Glyph of Penance] 2011-02-02 282 17863.78 63.35 1154 6.84 433.48
[Glyph of Fetch] 2012-08-30 153 8905.61 58.21 579 7.40 430.85
[Glyph of Unleashed Lightning] 2011-06-29 233 15421.38 66.19 1007 6.48 428.78
[Glyph of Demon Training] 2011-02-16 202 16793.62 83.14 1140 4.96 412.55
[Glyph of Lifebloom] 2011-02-02 261 16369.94 62.72 1154 6.33 397.19
[Glyph of Prayer of Mending] 2011-02-02 274 16265.31 59.36 1154 6.65 394.78
[Glyph of Death From Above] 2011-02-03 263 15641.77 59.47 1153 6.39 379.93
[Glyph of Aimed Shot] 2011-02-01 270 15655.01 57.98 1155 6.55 379.57
[Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous] 2011-02-05 255 15564.49 61.04 1151 6.20 378.59
[Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell] 2011-02-01 274 15291.50 55.81 1155 6.64 370.76
[Glyph of the Spectral Wolf] 2011-02-04 263 15035.25 57.17 1152 6.39 365.46
[Glyph of Icy Veins] 2011-02-22 231 14380.50 62.25 1134 5.71 355.20
[Glyph of Unholy Frenzy] 2011-02-02 229 13918.75 60.78 1154 5.56 337.71
[Glyph of Chimera Shot] 2011-02-02 213 13841.51 64.98 1154 5.17 335.88
[Glyph of Blackout Kick] 2012-10-06 100 6464.02 64.64 542 5.17 333.93
[Glyph of Chain Lightning] 2011-02-06 215 13284.29 61.79 1150 5.24 323.52
[Glyph of Burning Anger] 2012-10-06 135 6154.92 45.59 542 6.97 317.92
[Glyph of Verdant Spheres] 2011-02-16 224 12702.05 56.71 1140 5.50 312.04
[Glyph of Path of Frost] 2011-02-05 210 12706.74 60.51 1151 5.11 309.08
[Glyph of Rapid Teleportation] 2011-02-02 243 12516.75 51.51 1154 5.90 303.70
[Glyph of the Geist] 2011-02-05 235 12395.08 52.75 1151 5.72 301.50
[Glyph of Soul Shards] 2011-02-03 187 12340.65 65.99 1153 4.54 299.72
[Glyph of Wild Growth] 2011-02-03 211 12186.08 57.75 1153 5.13 295.99
[Glyph of Healing Wave] 2011-02-03 202 12130.56 60.05 1153 4.91 294.64
[Glyph of Army of the Dead] 2011-02-05 221 12062.90 54.58 1151 5.38 293.42
[Glyph of the Chameleon] 2011-02-02 214 12049.05 56.30 1154 5.19 292.38
[Glyph of Mind Blast] 2011-02-16 229 11847.09 51.73 1140 5.63 291.06
[Glyph of Conflagrate] 2011-03-10 177 11548.61 65.25 1118 4.43 289.23
[Glyph of Survival Instincts] 2011-02-05 216 11824.91 54.74 1151 5.25 287.63
[Glyph of Tranquilizing Shot] 2011-02-02 192 11844.24 61.69 1154 4.66 287.38
[Glyph of Stealth] 2011-02-03 198 11814.51 59.67 1153 4.81 286.91
[Glyph of Mind Flay] 2012-08-30 116 5926.35 51.09 579 5.61 286.70
[Glyph of Dark Archangel] 2011-02-05 225 11690.40 51.96 1151 5.48 284.48
[Glyph of Camouflage] 2011-02-06 284 11604.04 40.86 1150 6.92 282.60
[Glyph of Dark Succor] 2011-05-01 241 10683.03 44.33 1066 6.33 280.66
[Glyph of Riptide] 2011-02-15 198 11366.90 57.41 1141 4.86 278.99
[Glyph of Mass Exorcism] 2012-11-07 77 5038.88 65.44 509 4.23 276.92
[Glyph of Deep Freeze] 2011-02-06 203 11358.75 55.95 1150 4.94 276.56
[Glyph of Deterrence] 2011-02-20 180 11214.02 62.30 1136 4.44 276.48
[Glyph of Resilient Grip] 2011-02-15 229 11242.54 49.09 1141 5.62 275.93
[Glyph of Fire From the Heavens] 2011-03-04 175 11060.93 63.21 1124 4.36 275.51
[Glyph of Dazing Shield] 2011-02-04 219 11283.48 51.52 1152 5.32 274.27
[Glyph of Bull Rush] 2011-02-04 214 11248.22 52.56 1152 5.20 273.41
[Glyph of Blooming] 2011-02-02 229 11159.25 48.73 1154 5.56 270.79
[Glyph of the Righteous Retreat] 2012-10-12 89 5166.65 58.05 536 4.65 270.06
[Glyph of Unending Rage] 2011-02-08 213 10983.95 51.57 1148 5.19 267.89
[Glyph of Dark Simulacrum] 2011-02-14 212 10733.59 50.63 1142 5.20 263.16
[Glyph of Holy Shock] 2011-02-03 201 10760.39 53.53 1153 4.88 261.36
[Glyph of Burning Embers] 2011-02-20 165 10544.68 63.91 1136 4.07 259.98
[Glyph of Regrowth] 2011-02-02 191 10631.84 55.66 1154 4.64 258.05
[Glyph of Thunder] 2011-02-05 186 10604.57 57.01 1151 4.52 257.95
[Glyph of Aquatic Form] 2011-02-19 196 10399.08 53.06 1137 4.83 256.13
[Glyph of Ice Lance] 2011-03-07 185 10148.06 54.85 1121 4.62 253.45
[Glyph of Harsh Words] 2011-02-05 214 10303.99 48.15 1151 5.21 250.64
[Glyph of Unstable Affliction] 2011-02-04 185 10192.91 55.10 1152 4.50 247.76
[Glyph of Levitate] 2011-02-02 221 10192.77 46.12 1154 5.36 247.39
[Glyph of the Heavens] 2012-09-27 65 4835.30 74.39 551 3.31 245.93
[Glyph of Confession] 2012-09-27 89 4832.08 54.29 551 4.53 245.77
[Glyph of Barkskin] 2011-02-16 176 9979.24 56.70 1140 4.32 245.12
[Glyph of Renewing Mists] 2012-09-25 76 4833.81 63.60 553 3.85 244.67
[Glyph of Death and Decay] 2011-02-06 185 10001.99 54.06 1150 4.51 243.58
[Glyph of Water Roll] 2012-09-27 79 4777.34 60.47 551 4.02 242.90
[Glyph of Combustion] 2011-02-04 195 9941.83 50.98 1152 4.74 241.66
[Glyph of Heavy Repercussions] 2011-02-06 217 9914.12 45.69 1150 5.28 241.44
[Glyph of Shadow Ravens] 2011-02-17 209 9794.03 46.86 1139 5.14 240.76
[Glyph of Dancing Rune Weapon] 2011-02-15 189 9691.43 51.28 1141 4.64 237.80
[Glyph of Revive Pet] 2011-02-02 230 9705.09 42.20 1154 5.58 235.48
[Glyph of the Cheetah] 2012-10-31 85 4334.24 50.99 517 4.61 234.96
[Glyph of Demon Hunting] 2011-02-06 182 9630.15 52.91 1150 4.43 234.53
[Glyph of Fists of Fury] 2012-09-27 87 4570.90 52.54 551 4.42 232.29
[Glyph of Blade Flurry] 2011-02-06 172 9371.47 54.49 1150 4.19 228.23
[Glyph of Mortal Strike] 2011-02-05 177 9322.47 52.67 1151 4.31 226.86
[Glyph of Holy Resurrection] 2012-10-02 69 4414.96 63.98 546 3.54 226.58
[Glyph of Stampede] 2011-02-18 190 9202.27 48.43 1138 4.68 226.49
[Glyph of Enduring Infection] 2011-02-05 218 9284.98 42.59 1151 5.30 225.95
[Glyph of Endless Wrath] 2011-02-06 165 9162.04 55.53 1150 4.02 223.05
[Glyph of Armors] 2012-07-12 75 4957.08 66.09 628 3.35 221.13
[Glyph of Shield Slam] 2011-02-06 179 9075.73 50.70 1150 4.36 220.95
[Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem] 2011-04-25 134 8402.45 62.70 1072 3.50 219.55
[Glyph of Horn of Winter] 2011-02-05 210 8895.99 42.36 1151 5.11 216.48
[Glyph of the Luminous Charger] 2011-03-28 162 8430.77 52.04 1100 4.13 214.68
[Glyph of Fireworks] 2011-02-02 206 8834.60 42.89 1154 5.00 214.38
[Glyph of Fire Blast] 2011-02-06 167 8687.54 52.02 1150 4.07 211.57
[Glyph of Crimson Banish] 2011-02-16 125 8607.76 68.86 1140 3.07 211.48
[Glyph of Mend Pet] 2011-02-04 164 8682.73 52.94 1152 3.99 211.05
[Glyph of Denounce] 2011-02-01 197 8699.25 44.16 1155 4.78 210.91
[Glyph of Contemplation] 2011-02-03 212 8661.59 40.86 1153 5.15 210.34
[Glyph of Word of Glory] 2011-02-05 223 8600.53 38.57 1151 5.43 209.29
[Glyph of Hemorrhage] 2011-02-02 185 8621.17 46.60 1154 4.49 209.24
[Glyph of the Falling Avenger] 2012-10-23 66 3919.76 59.39 525 3.52 209.23
[Glyph of Slow] 2011-02-15 154 8471.77 55.01 1141 3.78 207.87
[Glyph of Victory Rush] 2011-02-04 188 8489.26 45.16 1152 4.57 206.35
[Glyph of Thunder Strike] 2011-02-06 177 8369.11 47.28 1150 4.31 203.82
[Glyph of Flying Serpent Kick] 2012-09-25 81 4026.48 49.71 553 4.10 203.81
[Glyph of Conjure Familiar] 2011-02-14 181 8244.63 45.55 1142 4.44 202.23
[Glyph of Immediate Truth] 2011-02-02 193 8268.30 42.84 1154 4.68 200.62
[Glyph of Winged Vengeance] 2011-02-15 187 8171.99 43.70 1141 4.59 200.57
[Glyph of Dispersion] 2011-02-02 178 8164.92 45.87 1154 4.32 198.13
[Glyph of Mass Dispel] 2011-02-06 175 8054.60 46.03 1150 4.26 196.09
[Glyph of Dark Soul] 2011-02-02 159 8005.43 50.35 1154 3.86 194.24
[Glyph of Frostfire Bolt] 2011-02-06 147 7943.98 54.04 1150 3.58 193.46
[Glyph of Deadly Momentum] 2011-02-02 161 7896.77 49.05 1154 3.91 191.62
[Glyph of Avenging Wrath] 2011-02-19 214 7732.57 36.13 1137 5.27 190.46
[Glyph of Breath of Fire] 2012-09-29 55 3688.43 67.06 549 2.80 187.99
[Glyph of Retreat] 2012-09-25 76 3709.69 48.81 553 3.85 187.77
[Glyph of Gushing Wound] 2011-02-02 146 7726.34 52.92 1154 3.54 187.49
[Glyph of Holy Fire] 2011-02-02 214 7691.65 35.94 1154 5.19 186.65
[Glyph of Siphon Life] 2011-02-26 195 7526.28 38.60 1130 4.83 186.54
[Glyph of Mirrored Blades] 2011-02-15 135 7585.61 56.19 1141 3.31 186.18
[Glyph of Gateway Attunement] 2012-12-09 43 3151.82 73.30 478 2.52 184.82
[Glyph of Dash] 2011-02-02 208 7593.69 36.51 1154 5.05 184.27
[Glyph of Divine Plea] 2011-02-05 167 7547.75 45.20 1151 4.06 183.67
[Glyph of Arcane Power] 2011-02-05 206 7530.38 36.56 1151 5.01 183.25
[Glyph of Bladed Judgment] 2012-10-02 64 3551.31 55.49 546 3.28 182.21
[Glyph of Prowl] 2011-02-02 212 7431.34 35.05 1154 5.15 180.37
[Glyph of Whirlwind] 2011-02-05 161 7368.62 45.77 1151 3.92 179.24
[Glyph of Protector of the Innocent] 2011-02-15 140 7278.96 51.99 1141 3.44 178.67
[Glyph of Cheap Shot] 2011-02-06 142 7300.80 51.41 1150 3.46 177.77
[Glyph of Mana Gem] 2011-02-17 198 7177.31 36.25 1139 4.87 176.43
[Glyph of Grace] 2011-04-11 143 6827.15 47.74 1086 3.69 176.06
[Glyph of Pestilence] 2011-02-05 192 7234.88 37.68 1151 4.67 176.06
[Glyph of Mighty Victory] 2011-02-17 156 7038.76 45.12 1139 3.83 173.03
[Glyph of Safe Fall] 2011-02-24 170 6969.29 41.00 1132 4.21 172.44
[Glyph of Cloak of Shadows] 2011-02-01 139 7072.53 50.88 1155 3.37 171.48
[Glyph of Innervate] 2011-02-02 169 7027.33 41.58 1154 4.10 170.52
[Glyph of Savagery] 2011-02-18 166 6893.91 41.53 1138 4.09 169.69
[Glyph of Arcane Language] 2011-02-15 195 6892.45 35.35 1141 4.79 169.17
[Glyph of Crittermorph] 2011-02-02 140 6961.08 49.72 1154 3.40 168.95
[Glyph of Vendetta] 2011-02-15 115 6883.62 59.86 1141 2.82 168.95
[Glyph of Seal of Blood] 2011-02-01 157 6947.04 44.25 1155 3.81 168.44
[Glyph of Tricks of the Trade] 2011-02-05 128 6913.26 54.01 1151 3.11 168.23
[Glyph of Mending] 2011-02-15 194 6834.23 35.23 1141 4.76 167.69
[Glyph of Might of Ursoc] 2011-02-20 129 6700.88 51.94 1136 3.18 165.20
[Glyph of Leer of the Ox] 2012-10-08 39 3179.47 81.52 540 2.02 164.99
[Glyph of Expel Harm] 2012-09-30 41 3195.32 77.93 548 2.10 163.31
[Glyph of Reflective Shield] 2011-02-04 157 6711.46 42.75 1152 3.82 163.13
[Glyph of Spirit of Redemption] 2011-02-05 171 6635.63 38.80 1151 4.16 161.48
[Glyph of Rebirth] 2011-02-18 181 6553.94 36.21 1138 4.45 161.31
[Glyph of Inner Focus] 2011-02-02 103 6619.07 64.26 1154 2.50 160.65
[Glyph of Intimidating Shout] 2011-02-05 148 6598.34 44.58 1151 3.60 160.57
[Glyph of Cat Form] 2011-02-06 176 6582.77 37.40 1150 4.29 160.31
[Glyph of Far Sight] 2011-02-27 157 6462.66 41.16 1129 3.89 160.26
[Glyph of Bloody Healing] 2011-02-05 150 6508.56 43.39 1151 3.65 158.32
[Glyph of Beacon of Light] 2011-02-01 145 6509.20 44.89 1155 3.52 157.81
[Glyph of Vampiric Embrace] 2012-10-27 42 2915.85 69.43 521 2.26 156.73
[Glyph of Spellsteal] 2011-02-02 156 6396.12 41.00 1154 3.79 155.21
[Glyph of Spirit Walk] 2011-02-16 125 6307.79 50.46 1140 3.07 154.96
[Glyph of Spirit Roll] 2012-10-05 74 2995.57 40.48 543 3.82 154.49
[Glyph of Poisons] 2011-02-05 154 6341.37 41.18 1151 3.75 154.32
[Glyph of Foul Menagerie] 2011-02-05 148 6257.67 42.28 1151 3.60 152.28
[Glyph of Borrowed Time] 2011-02-16 157 6186.66 39.41 1140 3.86 151.99
[Glyph of Death's Embrace] 2011-02-01 141 6263.61 44.42 1155 3.42 151.87
[Glyph of Touch of Death] 2012-09-27 46 2980.65 64.80 551 2.34 151.60
[Glyph of Thunderstorm] 2011-02-05 116 6134.42 52.88 1151 2.82 149.28
[Glyph of Disengage] 2011-02-02 182 6098.83 33.51 1154 4.42 147.99
[Glyph of the Orca] 2011-02-06 181 6071.63 33.54 1150 4.41 147.86
[Glyph of Blurred Speed] 2011-02-27 162 5935.40 36.64 1129 4.02 147.25
[Glyph of Feral Spirit] 2011-02-04 124 6037.31 48.69 1152 3.01 146.75
[Glyph of Totemic Encirclement] 2011-02-02 142 6024.71 42.43 1154 3.45 146.20
[Glyph of Lightspring] 2012-08-30 52 3017.18 58.02 579 2.52 145.94
[Glyph of Flash of Light] 2011-02-03 147 6000.67 40.82 1153 3.57 145.75
[Glyph of Blessed Life] 2011-02-05 156 5979.48 38.33 1151 3.79 145.45
[Glyph of Unending Breath] 2011-02-05 121 5923.52 48.95 1151 2.94 144.15
[Glyph of Soulwell] 2011-05-13 101 5418.23 53.65 1053 2.68 144.01
[Glyph of Totemic Vigor] 2011-02-14 149 5811.53 39.00 1142 3.65 142.49
[Glyph of Flame Shock]td> 2011-04-03 154 5562.67 36.12 1093 3.94 142.44
[Glyph of Distracting Shot] 2011-02-11 128 5811.61 45.40 1145 3.13 142.17
[Glyph of Polymorph] 2011-02-05 148 5831.40 39.40 1151 3.60 141.91
[Glyph of Chaining] 2011-02-22 121 5742.98 47.46 1134 2.99 141.85
[Glyph of the Lakestrider] 2011-03-01 146 5636.69 38.61 1127 3.63 140.03
[Glyph of Double Jeopardy] 2011-03-01 167 5633.59 33.73 1127 4.15 139.99
[Glyph of Skull Bash] 2011-02-04 159 5733.45 36.06 1152 3.86 139.36
[Glyph of Bloodthirst] 2011-02-06 154 5718.45 37.13 1150 3.75 139.24
[Glyph of Deluge] 2011-02-16 166 5659.69 34.09 1140 4.08 139.02
[Glyph of Inner Fire] 2011-02-02 153 5714.69 37.35 1154 3.71 138.67
[Glyph of Aspect of the Pack] 2011-02-14 168 5655.22 33.66 1142 4.12 138.66
[Glyph of Momentum] 2011-02-06 144 5674.74 39.41 1150 3.51 138.15
[Glyph of Solar Beam] 2011-02-02 124 5654.79 45.60 1154 3.01 137.22
[Glyph of Master's Call] 2011-02-21 112 5452.11 48.68 1135 2.76 134.49
[Glyph of Leap of Faith] 2011-02-06 115 5480.66 47.66 1150 2.80 133.47
[Glyph of Healing Touch] 2011-03-15 111 5246.67 47.27 1113 2.79 132.00
[Glyph of Explosive Trap] 2011-05-01 118 5016.46 42.51 1066 3.10 131.75
[Glyph of Power Word: Shield] 2011-02-21 149 5340.78 35.84 1135 3.68 131.74
[Glyph of Focused Shield] 2011-02-20 115 5278.66 45.90 1136 2.83 130.09
[Glyph of Arcane Explosion] 2011-02-05 146 5342.58 36.59 1151 3.55 130.01
[Glyph of Inner Sanctum] 2011-03-15 131 5148.26 39.30 1113 3.30 129.52
[Glyph of Corpse Explosion] 2011-02-06 162 5309.66 32.78 1150 3.95 129.31
[Glyph of Demonic Circle] 2011-02-16 72 5226.78 72.59 1140 1.77 128.40
[Glyph of Shadow Walk] 2011-02-08 126 5260.30 41.75 1148 3.07 128.30
[Glyph of Healing Storm] 2011-02-02 121 5271.44 43.57 1154 2.94 127.94
[Glyph of Colossus Smash] 2012-07-14 52 2844.72 54.71 626 2.32 127.17
[Glyph of Shadowflame] 2011-02-18 99 5123.45 51.75 1138 2.44 126.06
[Glyph of Felguard] 2011-02-20 102 5086.29 49.87 1135 2.52 125.43
[Glyph of Misdirection] 2011-02-06 97 5145.76 53.05 1150 2.36 125.28
[Glyph of Fae Silence] 2011-02-05 154 5110.26 33.18 1151 3.75 124.36
[Glyph of Crow Feast] 2012-11-17 36 2216.53 61.57 500 2.02 124.19
[Glyph of the Battle Healer] 2012-09-30 32 2427.16 75.85 548 1.64 124.08
[Glyph of Mystic Shout] 2011-02-03 182 5097.98 28.01 1153 4.42 123.83
[Glyph of Pathfinding] 2011-02-01 135 5105.33 37.82 1155 3.27 123.78
[Glyph of No Escape] 2011-02-14 137 5038.32 36.78 1142 3.36 123.55
[Glyph of the Moonbeast] 2011-08-05 80 4252.23 53.15 970 2.31 122.79
[Glyph of Circle of Healing] 2011-02-05 121 5039.55 41.65 1151 2.94 122.64
[Glyph of Charm Woodland Creature] 2011-03-01 157 4930.07 31.40 1127 3.90 122.48
[Glyph of Blitz] 2011-03-11 96 4867.15 50.70 1117 2.41 121.99
[Glyph of Invisibility] 2011-02-20 100 4887.50 48.88 1135 2.47 120.52
[Glyph of Healthstone] 2011-04-17 108 4641.88 42.98 1080 2.80 120.33
[Glyph of Imp Swarm] 2011-05-11 101 4533.56 44.89 1056 2.68 120.23
[Glyph of Surging Mist] 2012-09-25 68 2360.10 34.71 553 3.44 119.46
[Glyph of Final Wrath] 2011-02-02 138 4893.66 35.46 1154 3.35 118.75
[Glyph of the Mounted King] 2011-02-01 148 4895.08 33.07 1155 3.59 118.69
[Glyph of Touch of Karma] 2012-09-25 58 2341.72 40.37 553 2.94 118.53
[Glyph of Fade] 2011-02-08 127 4842.67 38.13 1148 3.10 118.11
[Glyph of Stampede] 2011-05-06 113 4457.19 39.44 1061 2.98 117.67
[Glyph of Aspect of the Beast] 2012-08-30 39 2423.82 62.15 579 1.89 117.26
[Glyph of Inquisition] 2011-02-22 92 4747.09 51.60 1134 2.27 117.25
[Glyph of Evocation] 2011-02-17 130 4748.21 36.52 1139 3.20 116.72
[Glyph of Mana Tea] 2012-10-05 60 2264.36 37.74 543 3.09 116.72
[Glyph of Divine Protection] 2011-05-06 117 4365.13 37.31 1061 3.09 115.20
[Glyph of Holy Nova] 2011-02-20 103 4629.14 44.94 1136 2.54 114.12
[Glyph of Smoke Bomb] 2011-02-21 123 4617.02 37.54 1135 3.03 113.89
[Glyph of Marking] 2012-11-02 36 2090.41 58.07 515 1.96 113.76
[Glyph of Aspects] 2011-02-27 143 4580.75 32.03 1129 3.55 113.65
[Glyph of Long Charge] 2011-03-13 129 4485.25 34.77 1115 3.24 112.66
[Glyph of Jab] 2012-10-12 54 2145.70 39.74 536 2.82 112.03
[Glyph of Blinding Light] 2011-02-19 135 4535.74 33.60 1137 3.33 111.72
[Glyph of Lightwell] 2011-02-02 111 4592.58 41.37 1154 2.69 111.44
[Glyph of Unstable Earth] 2011-02-04 110 4556.55 41.42 1152 2.67 110.76
[Glyph of Psychic Horror] 2011-02-02 110 4556.02 41.42 1154 2.67 110.56
[Glyph of Hamstring] 2011-02-04 147 4498.29 30.60 1152 3.57 109.34
[Glyph of Hex] 2011-02-04 113 4476.75 39.62 1152 2.75 108.82
[Glyph of Chains of Ice] 2011-02-23 110 4386.20 39.87 1133 2.72 108.38
[Glyph of Disguise] 2011-02-16 135 4373.55 32.40 1140 3.32 107.44
[Glyph of Shadowy Friends] 2012-09-30 24 2072.07 86.34 548 1.23 105.96
[Glyph of Purge] 2011-03-04 117 4250.54 36.33 1124 2.91 105.87
[Glyph of Death Coil] 2012-07-26 55 2311.63 42.03 614 2.51 105.44
[Glyph of Cone of Cold] 2011-04-10 106 4053.27 38.24 1087 2.73 104.41
[Glyph of Uplift] 2012-09-25 37 2036.90 55.05 553 1.87 103.10
[Glyph of Healing Stream Totem] 2011-02-28 102 4147.92 40.67 1128 2.53 102.99
[Glyph of Enslave Demon] 2011-02-22 90 4165.62 46.28 1134 2.22 102.86
[Glyph of Killing Spree] 2011-02-06 93 4207.42 45.24 1150 2.26 102.45
[Glyph of Incite] 2012-09-27 28 2013.30 71.90 551 1.42 102.40
[Glyph of Blink] 2011-03-13 151 4047.44 26.80 1115 3.79 101.66
[Glyph of Everlasting Affliction] 2011-02-28 74 4049.87 54.73 1128 1.84 100.56
[Glyph of Furious Sundering] 2011-02-03 103 4120.20 40.00 1153 2.50 100.06
[Glyph of Resonating Power] 2011-02-05 120 4100.86 34.17 1151 2.92 99.79
[Glyph of Outbreak] 2011-02-05 114 4098.58 35.95 1151 2.77 99.74
[Glyph of Afterlife] 2012-09-27 51 1937.01 37.98 551 2.59 98.49
[Glyph of Decoy] 2011-02-05 141 4035.37 28.62 1151 3.43 98.20
[Glyph of Mind Freeze] 2011-02-04 120 4019.40 33.49 1152 2.92 97.70
[Glyph of the Predator] 2011-03-20 131 3864.44 29.50 1108 3.31 97.65
[Glyph of the Bear Cub] 2012-08-31 40 2014.86 50.37 578 1.94 97.57
[Glyph of Rising Tiger Kick] 2012-10-01 49 1905.26 38.88 547 2.51 97.45
[Glyph of Remove Curse] 2011-02-04 119 3987.70 33.51 1152 2.89 96.93
[Glyph of Recklessness] 2011-02-02 121 3969.57 32.81 1154 2.94 96.35
[Glyph of Counterspell] 2011-02-06 119 3955.10 33.24 1150 2.90 96.32
[Glyph of Black Ice] 2012-12-02 23 1639.70 71.29 485 1.33 94.69
[Glyph of Loose Mana] 2011-02-05 142 3870.67 27.26 1151 3.46 94.19
[Glyph of Shadow Bolt] 2011-02-15 111 3836.96 34.57 1141 2.72 94.19
[Glyph of Unholy Command] 2011-02-02 129 3875.20 30.04 1154 3.13 94.03
[Glyph of Renew] 2011-02-06 118 3853.48 32.66 1150 2.87 93.85
[Glyph of Dispel Magic] 2011-02-07 141 3845.13 27.27 1149 3.44 93.70
[Glyph of Pick Lock] 2011-02-18 111 3782.23 34.07 1138 2.73 93.07
[Glyph of Purify] 2011-02-16 108 3744.83 34.67 1140 2.65 91.99
[Glyph of Shifting Presences] 2011-02-03 146 3761.58 25.76 1153 3.55 91.35
[Glyph of Astral Recall] 2011-02-05 100 3748.59 37.49 1151 2.43 91.22
[Glyph of Crippling Poison] 2011-02-05 98 3744.82 38.21 1151 2.38 91.13
[Glyph of Scatter Shot] 2011-03-09 95 3630.16 38.21 1119 2.38 90.83
[Glyph of Spell Reflection] 2011-02-04 76 3730.64 49.09 1152 1.85 90.68
[Glyph of Soul Swap] 2011-02-15 109 3667.88 33.65 1141 2.68 90.03
[Glyph of Lesser Proportion] 2011-02-06 100 3692.97 36.93 1150 2.43 89.92
[Glyph of Life Tap] 2011-02-22 108 3624.64 33.56 1134 2.67 89.53
[Glyph of Enraged Speed] 2011-02-03 120 3680.07 30.67 1153 2.91 89.39
[Glyph of Fear] 2011-02-14 105 3631.43 34.59 1142 2.57 89.04
[Glyph of Ice Trap] 2011-02-15 124 3624.43 29.23 1141 3.04 88.96
[Glyph of Stampeding Roar] 2011-02-24 109 3572.25 32.77 1132 2.70 88.39
[Glyph of Hurricane] 2011-02-02 117 3642.27 31.13 1154 2.84 88.38
[Glyph of Recuperate] 2011-02-21 79 3555.87 45.01 1135 1.95 87.71
[Glyph of Tame Beast] 2011-02-06 118 3589.77 30.42 1150 2.87 87.41
[Glyph of Garrote] 2011-02-20 94 3537.99 37.64 1136 2.32 87.20
[Glyph of Enduring Healing Sphere] 2012-10-14 29 1660.64 57.26 534 1.52 87.13
[Glyph of Sprint] 2011-02-06 118 3556.44 30.14 1150 2.87 86.58
[Glyph of Ambush] 2011-02-08 124 3526.97 28.44 1148 3.02 86.02
[Glyph of Eye of Kilrogg] 2011-03-08 79 3432.32 43.45 1120 1.98 85.84
[Glyph of Stoneskin] 2012-09-25 37 1694.74 45.80 553 1.87 85.78
[Glyph of Crackling Tiger Lightning] 2012-09-25 43 1694.49 39.41 553 2.18 85.77
[Glyph of Ferocious Bite] 2011-04-08 135 3303.72 24.47 1089 3.47 84.94
[Glyph of Divinity] 2011-03-06 89 3377.76 37.95 1122 2.22 84.29
[Glyph of Pounce] 2011-02-04 110 3467.79 31.53 1152 2.67 84.29
[Glyph of the Monkey] 2011-02-03 119 3461.47 29.09 1153 2.89 84.08
[Glyph of Light of Dawn] 2011-02-15 106 3396.90 32.05 1141 2.60 83.37
[Glyph of Detection] 2011-02-20 88 3374.49 38.35 1136 2.17 83.20
[Glyph of Honor] 2012-10-16 30 1566.57 52.22 532 1.58 82.49
[Glyph of Subtlety] 2011-02-16 86 3331.62 38.74 1140 2.11 81.84
[Glyph of Rude Interruption] 2011-05-06 94 3081.96 32.79 1060 2.48 81.38
[Glyph of Zen Meditation] 2012-10-15 37 1546.76 41.80 533 1.94 81.28
[Glyph of Rejuvenation] 2011-03-15 129 3210.50 24.89 1113 3.25 80.79
[Glyph of Capacitor Totem] 2011-02-20 71 3217.53 45.32 1135 1.75 79.34
[Glyph of Icy Touch] 2011-02-18 100 3184.40 31.84 1137 2.46 78.39
[Glyph of Adrenaline Rush] 2011-04-01 104 3006.34 28.91 1096 2.66 76.82
[Glyph of Consecration] 2011-03-06 92 3065.36 33.32 1122 2.30 76.52
[Glyph of Bloodcurdling Shout] 2011-02-04 108 3110.59 28.80 1152 2.63 75.61
[Glyph of Soul Consumption] 2011-02-02 97 3108.52 32.05 1154 2.35 75.43
[Glyph of Crackling Jade Lightning] 2012-09-25 28 1487.58 53.13 553 1.42 75.30
[Glyph of Desperation] 2011-03-06 99 2986.83 30.17 1122 2.47 74.54
[Glyph of Shackle Undead] 2011-02-20 78 3020.12 38.72 1135 1.92 74.48
[Glyph of Smite] 2011-04-22 75 2849.90 38.00 1075 1.95 74.23
[Glyph of Feint] 2011-03-20 88 2921.40 33.20 1107 2.22 73.86
[Glyph of Solace] 2011-02-22 75 2989.72 39.86 1134 1.85 73.83
[Glyph of Turn Evil] 2011-02-12 82 2998.70 36.57 1144 2.01 73.39
[Glyph of Snake Trap] 2011-02-06 77 2980.32 38.71 1150 1.88 72.58
[Glyph of Overpower] 2011-02-02 117 2974.89 25.43 1154 2.84 72.20
[Glyph of the Val'kyr] 2012-09-30 26 1408.93 54.19 548 1.33 72.01
[Glyph of Vampiric Blood] 2011-02-18 86 2918.12 33.93 1138 2.12 71.82
[Glyph of Direction] 2012-12-02 29 1222.89 42.17 485 1.67 70.62
[Glyph of Blind] 2011-03-02 104 2831.42 27.23 1126 2.59 70.42
[Glyph of Raging Wind] 2011-02-04 88 2873.41 32.65 1152 2.14 69.84
[Glyph of Fighting Pose] 2012-09-23 18 1376.29 76.46 555 0.91 69.47
[Glyph of Cleansing Waters] 2011-03-06 91 2760.41 30.33 1122 2.27 68.90
[Glyph of Vanish] 2011-07-31 63 2385.08 37.86 975 1.81 68.49
[Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration] 2011-02-14 84 2778.85 33.08 1142 2.06 68.13
[Glyph of Shadow Word: Death] 2012-11-08 19 1224.57 64.45 509 1.05 67.39
[Glyph of Sweeping Strikes] 2011-02-05 76 2733.75 35.97 1151 1.85 66.53
[Glyph of Hand of Gul'dan] 2011-02-15 69 2678.21 38.81 1141 1.69 65.73
[Glyph of Shred] 2011-05-14 77 2440.67 31.70 1053 2.05 64.90
[Glyph of Faerie Fire] 2011-02-02 106 2668.36 25.17 1154 2.57 64.76
[Glyph of Focused Wrath] 2012-11-24 22 1138.56 51.75 493 1.25 64.69
[Glyph of Debilitation] 2011-02-16 100 2628.59 26.29 1140 2.46 64.57
[Glyph of Icebound Fortitude] 2011-02-15 79 2570.30 32.54 1141 1.94 63.09
[Glyph of Fortifying Brew] 2012-09-25 27 1241.63 45.99 553 1.37 62.85
[Glyph of Ghost Wolf] 2011-02-04 87 2569.28 29.53 1152 2.11 62.45
[Glyph of Shiv] 2011-02-20 93 2521.60 27.11 1136 2.29 62.17
[Glyph of Spiritwalker's Grace] 2011-05-29 70 2262.49 32.32 1038 1.89 61.03
[Glyph of Death Gate] 2011-02-23 81 2468.36 30.47 1133 2.00 60.99
[Glyph of Shield Wall] 2011-02-05 62 2487.39 40.12 1151 1.51 60.53
[Glyph of Pick Pocket] 2011-02-02 68 2479.54 36.46 1154 1.65 60.18
[Glyph of Path of Blossoms] 2012-09-25 14 1187.34 84.81 553 0.71 60.10
[Glyph of Life Cocoon] 2012-09-23 40 1188.65 29.72 555 2.02 60.00
[Glyph of Health Funnel] 2011-02-25 80 2384.93 29.81 1131 1.98 59.04
[Glyph of Holy Wrath] 2011-04-06 85 2285.24 26.89 1090 2.18 58.68
[Glyph of Kick] 2011-03-06 67 2348.32 35.05 1122 1.67 58.62
[Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion] 2011-03-02 70 2353.40 33.62 1126 1.74 58.53
[Glyph of Water Shield] 2011-02-20 113 2372.11 20.99 1136 2.78 58.46
[Glyph of Transcendence] 2013-02-25 16 822.10 51.38 400 1.12 57.57
[Glyph of Cyclone] 2011-02-02 71 2369.53 33.37 1154 1.72 57.50
[Glyph of the Porcupine] 2011-03-02 83 2252.55 27.14 1126 2.06 56.02
[Glyph of Falling Meteor] 2011-12-17 23 1655.84 71.99 836 0.77 55.45
[Glyph of Frost Nova] 2011-02-07 79 2275.42 28.80 1149 1.93 55.45
[Glyph of Telluric Currents] 2011-08-14 48 1871.17 38.98 961 1.40 54.52
[Glyph of Death Grip] 2011-02-22 82 2198.22 26.81 1134 2.02 54.28
[Glyph of Hindering Strikes] 2011-07-22 56 1894.34 33.83 983 1.59 53.93
[Glyph of Rebuke] 2011-02-23 72 2162.01 30.03 1133 1.78 53.42
[Glyph of Nature's Grasp] 2011-02-11 104 2179.25 20.95 1145 2.54 53.31
[Glyph of Maul] 2011-02-24 76 2132.04 28.05 1132 1.88 52.75
[Glyph of Guard] 2012-10-23 19 955.90 50.31 525 1.01 51.02
[Glyph of Spinning Fire Blossom] 2012-11-27 12 887.03 73.92 490 0.69 50.72
[Glyph of Freezing Trap] 2011-02-02 80 2035.44 25.44 1154 1.94 49.39
[Glyph of Clash] 2012-10-04 25 906.41 36.26 544 1.29 46.66
[Glyph of Psychic Scream] 2011-02-20 54 1882.88 34.87 1136 1.33 46.42
[Glyph of Grounding Totem] 2011-02-04 55 1888.62 34.34 1152 1.34 45.91
[Glyph of Master Shapeshifter] 2011-04-25 52 1734.35 33.35 1072 1.36 45.32
[Glyph of Lava Lash] 2011-05-21 73 1622.29 22.22 1046 1.95 43.42
[Glyph of Entangling Roots] 2011-02-20 69 1746.17 25.31 1136 1.70 43.05
[Glyph of Carrion Swarm] 2011-02-12 43 1739.42 40.45 1144 1.05 42.57
[Glyph of Illumination] 2011-04-17 61 1631.54 26.75 1080 1.58 42.30
[Glyph of Evasion] 2011-07-21 45 1467.06 32.60 985 1.28 41.70
[Glyph of Strangulate] 2011-03-06 53 1654.07 31.21 1122 1.32 41.28
[Glyph of Ice Block] 2011-05-06 55 1558.36 28.33 1061 1.45 41.14
[Glyph of Wind Shear] 2011-02-16 59 1674.01 28.37 1140 1.45 41.13
[Glyph of Gag Order] 2011-06-25 47 1458.06 31.02 1011 1.30 40.38
[Glyph of Shamanistic Rage] 2011-02-01 56 1635.45 29.20 1155 1.36 39.65
[Glyph of Gouge] 2011-06-15 57 1437.83 25.23 1020 1.56 39.45
[Glyph of Distract] 2011-02-02 52 1616.81 31.09 1154 1.26 39.23
[Glyph of the Penguin] 2011-03-13 55 1546.32 28.11 1115 1.38 38.83
[Glyph of Soulstone] 2011-08-11 29 1336.60 46.09 964 0.84 38.82
[Glyph of Hold the Line] 2011-02-03 50 1474.11 29.48 1153 1.21 35.80
[Glyph of Sparring] 2012-09-24 20 639.23 31.96 554 1.01 32.31
[Glyph of Expose Armor] 2011-03-10 42 1233.20 29.36 1118 1.05 30.89
[Glyph of Sap] 2011-12-13 22 912.96 41.50 840 0.73 30.44
[Glyph of Pillar of Frost] 2011-02-15 30 1109.15 36.97 1141 0.74 27.22
[Glyph of Fire Nova] 2011-02-16 37 921.88 24.92 1140 0.91 22.65
[Glyph of Frost Shock] 2011-10-28 13 680.74 52.36 886 0.41 21.52
[Glyph of Totemic Recall] 2011-02-19 37 743.73 20.10 1137 0.91 18.32
[Glyph of Fear Ward] 2011-03-01 27 605.13 22.41 1127 0.67 15.03
[Glyph of Scourge Imprisonment] 2011-03-05 24 560.94 23.37 1123 0.60 13.99
[Glyph of Hoarse Voice] 2011-10-24 16 376.35 23.52 890 0.50 11.84