Patch 5.0.4 hit this month, and sales on the first day eclipsed the rest of the month. Over 50k sales on the patch day was a terrific result, and really makes all that preparation worth while.
August Stats:
- Total Glyph Sales: 103173g
- Total Glyphs Sold: 1725
- Average Price: 59g81s
Having plenty of both glyphs and ink stockpiled made posting very easy, and I was able to craft a full set of each new glyph almost immediately. Dath'Remar was very, very well prepared, with most glyphs becoming cheaper as the undercutting wars went on. I did my auctioneering duty and reset a few pieces of low hanging fruit, but most glyphs remained squarely in the 40 - 150g bracket. None of my major competitors seem to have run out of stock, and it will be interesting to see how the market continues into MoP next week.